Forum:I added a new Easter egg but...

Forums: Index > Watercooler > I added a new Easter egg but...

So I added an Easter egg (and created a

Easter egg section) But I'm not sure how legitimate it is because the Easter egg is about 3 koppaites in pikmin 4 being nearly identical to the pikmin 3 characters so I was just hoping someone could check it to make sure it's valid or no(For reference the leader of the koppaites in pikmin 4 is called Nelle So you can look at her and her crews id cards to verify this in pikmin 4)Mossthepikminfan (talk) 16:28, July 23, 2023 (EDT)Mossthepikminfan

Mossthepikminfan (talk) 22:24, July 23, 2023 (EDT)Mossthepikminfan I just realized through dialogue of the koppaites that They are just related so we might as well remove it