Crystal lucario

Joined October 25, 2010
Revision as of 20:29, July 21, 2009 by Crystal lucario (talk | contribs) (Until further notice this will be my campain. Green, shut up about my spelling.)

<(^.^<)May I take your hat sir?(>^.^)>

Pikmin 3 (BOOOOOYAH!!!!!!) and I own Pikmin 2. I suppose I'm getting Pikmin 1.5 also :P. YES, I AM COMPLETELY POSITIVE I AM A BOY. Too much trash in your face? There's plenty of space in outer space! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Aren't they Kewl? ALL UR BASE R BLONG TO US!
I drewed this!
File:Chocolate Kirby.PNG
I made this a while back. And when my pictures became invisible for a short time, I uploaded it to see if it worked.
Must be pretty good music if he listens to it for, y'know ever