Hi I'm wiki443556 I created the DK wiki and edit on super Mario wiki under the name off lu-igi board. I LOVE PIKMIN AND SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can ussally find me eve-dropping random conversations and adding tarded comments, or trying to find out if any English editors are around (I feel alone :().

edit This user has total edits on this wiki.

A Purple Pikmin carrying a Burgeoning Spiderwort berry.

random keyboard mashing of the day

please can any uses join in dayly to mash your keyboard on my userpage. Thank u :)




-banjokdsjbghjb hgbkgfjnbkgjb gjkgnbhjnmklfghjsdcsjkvjdfbfggb nghbgkbk hv fhvfbg g bgbg b gkkazoooie-


  • Yaaay!jga[eorihgaZSL:Fj0aw3rapzjg0-3wyrrrrrrrrrrrrs[awre;jgiq-0348jt[isdjg[oaeiryt-o4j5toiasrdf[jiawopjert089qfja 12/21/08
  • Blibberblaber:awr[goiajrnlbkna;siopfja'skldnbhouerhf[slgpkjglvkdnobau[foakdfmobzdif98guaerp;glkfjlbjhap8uioidfjko 12/22/08


Iwseeygouwelcoemtotmdcmoonside af;asdjfkdjfkdsajfksdjfsjdporkyfdadfdadfaqdfadfdsfdfpig;masfdakdfgpigamasdfkapigamaskftw

Pikmin Expert


Pikpik Carrot


ejfy4rh37t5r374839tr3c7y4r ty8yrtcom7er 7e0ryr7reyye o cru u euu hherehhesuheiwheckefjemehmrehnrwngrirel- lolz! Pikpik carrot 04:01, 22 December 2008 (UTC)