Pikmin 3 icon.png


Revision as of 12:06, December 1, 2014 by Jpmrocks (talk | contribs) (Well, here ya go.)
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Miiverse is an application on both Wii U and 3DS. It allows users to share both messages and in-game screenshots publicly or privately to other users. Currently, Pikmin has two Communities present, Pikmin 3, which is for discussion of Pikmin 3 and the Pikmin Short Movies, and the Pikmin 3 Developer Room, where Nintendo Developers, specifically Shigeru Miyamoto, discuss updates to both Pikmin 3, and other important events in the Pikmin franchise.

Pikmin Animated Shorts Contest

On the 7th of November, 2014', Miyamoto announced a Pikmin art contest. The theme for the drawing challenge was "Pikmin Spotted!". Users were allowed to draw Pikmin in different situations. Requirements for entries were as follows:

  • Pictures must be drawn using Art Academy: SketchPad, which is available for purchase on Nintendo eShop.
  • Pictures must feature characters appearing in the Pikmin series.
  • Entries are limited to one original work per person.
  • Comment on this post to submit your entry.

Entries were submitted on the post Miyamoto posted in the Art Academy: SketchPad Community on Miiverse. Entries were no longer enterable on the 1st of December, 2014.