Forum:Pikmin 3: The Chaos Theory

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After the ending of pikmin 2 Olimar finally gets to visit his family... however things don't end well, in fact Olimar, Olimar's family and Louie (he's an orphan) and end up leaving Hocotate taking both space ships from the previous games. what happened was the pikmin were not welcomed with open arms and with the scientists wanting to experiment on them and the people furious at the pikmin for taking there stuff (there still in grab everything mode from pikmin 2) the pikmin finally end up in a war against the people of Hocotate. Olimar finally stops the fighting and the pikmin are banished from Hocotate, the catch... pay 100,000 poko's and erect a gold statue of the president of Hocotate ( as it seams that the rich people of Hocotate are very greedy. with such a heavy price to pay the pikmin and Olimar must seek out this grand sum by traveling all over the pikmins planet. Olimars boss stays at Hocotate to keep Olimar updated on the news on Hocotate.


Just as both ships are about to land on the roof of a sky scraper when a laser beam shoots out and hits the S.S. Dolphin causing it to crash on the roof. A man-at-legs aims a shot at the remaining ship but the pikmin leap from the onions and quickly kill it. The "search pod" notes that 13 pieces are missing from the Dolphin and she can't fly. Louie who was flying the Dolphin is fine but theres not enough room for everyone in the remaining ship so they must hold there ground all night until they can recover the 4 vital pieces. suddenly a screeching fills the air, the pikmin run back to there onions as a huge bird (bald eagle) swoops past breaking 1 leg off both the red and yellow union. the red and yellow pikmin pull there onions upright and brace them again each other, as soon as both onions touch each other they melt into three onion hulls, one red, one yellow and one Orange. Olimar eager to create orange pikmin takes the red and yellow pikmin over to a group of pellet posies and bring back 24 pellets. Meanwhile Louie brings back the closest part of the Dolphin with the blue pikmin, just as Louie sits down on a rock a loud hissing fills the air, jumping up he notices a plume of orange mist coming from the red/yellow onion. Olimar, disgusted with his failure to create orange pikmin stomps off. As the orange cloud condenses winged pikmin form from the spore like mist. A red pikmin catches up to him and points furiously at the orange pikmin. Olimar runs over and whistles at them to get there attention, they bound over to him with obvious lightness. then Olimar notices a light is whats missing much as the sun sets below the horizon...