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'''Pikmin 3''' is used to refer to the next, as of yet untitled, game in the [[Pikmin series]], which was hinted at during E3 2008<ref name = "announced">[http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/16/miyamoto-were-making-pikmin 2008 - Pikmin 3 announced - Joystiq]</ref>. Shigeru Miyamoto said, when asked about the Pikmin series, "We're making Pikmin." Nothing else about the Pikmin game in development was revealed, however.  On 24th July 2008, Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed in an interview, "...They [the Nintendo development teams] are all working on new Mario, Zelda and Pikmin projects".  The game will be on the Nintendo Wii<ref>[http://www.mywii.com.au/NewsDetail.aspx?id=2551 2008 - Pikmin 3 confirmed to be on Wii - MyWii]</ref>.
'''Pikmin 3''' is used to refer to the next, as of yet untitled, game in the [[Pikmin series]], which will never fing come out they only did all that new play control shit because gay ass fans wouldnt just shut the fuck up. The only people that want this game to come out are fans who respect and u gay punk ass people who think your so cool because you suck a fak imaginary gay fucking elfs cock by making this fucking wiki fuck u this wiki sucks fuck pikmin and another thing a game about gay multi coloresd plants led by three gay homo elfs one with a nose bigger than mister Kaufmans satin in disguise as a fat ass is not fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
The announcement of the ''[[New Play Control!]]'' Pikmin games<ref>[http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=198399 New Play Control! Pikmin - CVG]</ref> raised questions as to the feasibility of a Pikmin 3; following, in an IGN interview, it was made clear that the re-releases of Pikmin and Pikmin 2 are separate from Pikmin 3<ref>[http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/915/915864p1.html Pikmin 3 confirmed - IGN]</ref>: ''Cammie Dunaway: It's not the Pikmin that Mr. Miyamoto referred to, no. Mr. Miyamoto referred to a new Pikmin, as opposed to the classics that are being re-released on Wii''.
During E3 2009, Miyamoto said the following when asked about the lack of mention of Pikmin 3 during the Nintendo press conference:<ref>[http://www.kotaku.com.au/2009/06/miyamoto-sorry-he-has-no-new-pikmin-for-us-yet E3 2009 - Pikmin team is small - Kotaku]</ref>
''I’m sorry. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to expand the team size very much, because we've been working on so many different games that we've shown off at the show. So the team is working very hard, but it's a bit of a small team." He also mentioned that his "basic idea was that the depth and simplicity of the controls were still there.''
On 4th June, in a post-E3 2009 interview, Miyamoto had more to say on the game<ref>[http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/991/991714p2.html 2009 - More on Pikmin 3 - IGN]</ref>:
''With Pikmin 3, we've got all the basics pretty much done. Now it's just a matter of how do we go in and fill that out? What sort of work do we give our designers? That team has been constantly been moving forward. So with a little time, we'll be able to make more progress and I hope we can bring you something that will make you happy.''
==Past hints==
There are no hints this game wil not com out anywhere is about a bunch of gay elfs who are strippers and are allergic to Oxygen and making good games I.M.Meen is better than this crap the only person who plays this game is some 40 year old transvestite and some other people this will never fucking come out
==Olimar in SSBB==
The appearance of [[Olimar]] in ''[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]'' for the Wii was widely considered to be an indication of the likelihood of a third Pikmin game being released.