MediaWiki:Common.js: Difference between revisions

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(Changed the attribute used by the switchable feature, so that it doesn't use the title. This is because using the title makes a tooltip appear when you mouse-over a switchable div. Hope this works...)
(Second try.)
Line 9: Line 9:
var switchableSectionClass = 'switch';
var switchableSectionClass = 'switch';
var switchableTabsClass = 'switchabletabs';
var switchableTabsClass = 'switchabletabs';
var switchableSectionTitleAttr = 'switchable-title';
var switchableSectionTitleAttr = 'data-switchable-title';

function initialiseSwitchable () {
function initialiseSwitchable () {
Line 551: Line 551:
   } else {
   } else {
     e.setAttribute("oldContent", e.innerHTML);
     e.setAttribute("oldContent", e.innerHTML);
     e.innerHTML = e.getAttribute(switchableSectionTitleAttr);
     e.innerHTML = e.getAttribute("title"); = "underline dashed"; = "underline dashed";

Revision as of 14:40, August 7, 2018

/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.user', 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.notify', 'jquery.client'] ).done( function () {

/* Content tabber, version 1.0.5 by Greenpickle (GPL3) */

var switchableAnchorPrefix = '';
var switchableClass = 'switchable';
var switchableSectionClass = 'switch';
var switchableTabsClass = 'switchabletabs';
var switchableSectionTitleAttr = 'data-switchable-title';

function initialiseSwitchable () {
    // get the elements we care about
    switchable = myGetElementsByClassName(document, switchableClass);

    // some functions
    switchable.createTab = function (label, isAnchor, i, j) {
        var tab = document.createElement('li');
        var child;
        if (isAnchor) {
            child = document.createElement('a');
            child.href =
                'javascript:switchable.setVisible(' + i + ', ' + j + ');';
        } else child = document.createElement('strong');
        return tab;

    switchable.getVisible = function (i) {
        var visible = this[i].getAttribute('visiblesection');
        if (visible) visible = parseInt(visible);
        if (visible === null || isNaN(visible)) {
            visible = 0;
            this[i].setAttribute('visiblesection', visible.toString());
        return Math.max(0, Math.min(visible, this[i].sections.length - 1));

    switchable.updateVisible = function (i) {
        if (isNaN(parseInt(i))) {
            // update all switchables if no valid number given
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
        } else {
            var visible = this.getVisible(i);
            var sections = this[i].sections;
            var tc = this[i].tabContainer;
            var currentTab;
            for (var j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) {
                if (j == visible) {
                    // change 'show' link
                    currentTab = this.createTab(sections[j].sectionName,
                    currentTab.j = j;
                    tc.replaceChild(currentTab, tc.tabs[j]);
                    // show section
                    sections[j].style.display = '';
                } else {
                    // change 'show' link
                    if (tc.currentTab !== undefined && tc.currentTab.j == j)
                        tc.replaceChild(tc.tabs[j], tc.currentTab);
                    // hide section
                    sections[j].style.display = 'none';
            if (currentTab !== undefined) tc.currentTab = currentTab;

    switchable.setVisible = function (i, j) {
        this[i].setAttribute('visiblesection', j);

    // initialise
    for (var i = 0; i < switchable.length; i++) {
        var sections = myGetElementsByClassName(switchable[i],
        switchable[i].sections = sections;
        // create show/hide anchors
        var tabContainer = document.createElement('ul');
        tabContainer.className = switchableTabsClass;
        switchable[i].tabContainer = tabContainer;
        tabContainer.tabs = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) {
            // re-append section to place it after links
            // use section's name if it has one
            var sectionName = sections[j].getAttribute(
            if (!sectionName) sectionName = j.toString();
            sections[j].sectionName = sectionName;
            // create anchor
            var tab = switchable.createTab(
                            switchableAnchorPrefix + sectionName, true, i, j);
    this.switchable = switchable;
    // initial show/hide


// I'd extend Node.prototype, but apparently IE fails...
function myGetElementsByClassName (node, cls) {
    var result = [];
    var pool = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
    var re = new RegExp('\\b' + cls + '\\b');
    for (var i = 0; i < pool.length; i++)
        if (re.test(pool[i].className)) result.push(pool[i]);
    return result;

/* table.hideable, version 1.1.1 by Greenpickle (GPL3) */

var hideImageURL = '/images/hide.png';
var showImageURL = '/images/show.png';
var hideableColClass = 'hideable';
var hiddenColClass = 'hidden';
var hideableShowClass = 'showcol';

function getElementsByTagNames (node) {
    // return an array of elements in the node with the given tag names
    var nodes = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        var newNodes = node.getElementsByTagName(arguments[i]);
        try {
            // no idea where this'll fail if it does
            newNodes =;
            nodes = nodes.concat(newNodes);
        } catch (e) {
            // do it the slow way
            for (var j = 0; j < newNodes.length; j++) nodes.push(newNodes[j]);
    return nodes;

function matchTagName (node) {
    // check if node.tagName is one of given names, case-insensitively
    if (node.tagName === undefined) return false;
    tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        if (arguments[i].toLowerCase() == tag) return true;
    return false;

function getContainer (node, tag) {
    // return nearest parent with given tag name
    tag = tag.toLowerCase();
    var container = node;
    do {
        container = container.parentNode;
        if (container === document) return undefined;
    } while (container.tagName.toLowerCase() != tag);
    return container;

function nextElement (e) {
    do e = e.nextSibling;
    while (e !== null && e.nodeType != 1);
    return e;

function previousElement (e) {
    do e = e.previousSibling;
    while (e !== null && e.nodeType != 1);
    return e;

var hasClass = (function () {
    var reCache = {};
    return function (element, className) {
        return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className]
            = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)")))

var hideable = {};

hideable.showCallback = function () {;
    return false;

hideable.hideCallback = function () {
    return false;

hideable.createLink = function (isHide) {
    // create a show/hide link
    var lnk = document.createElement('a');
    lnk.href = '#';
    lnk.onclick = isHide ? hideable.hideCallback : hideable.showCallback;
    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.alt = isHide ? 'hide' : 'show';
    img.src = isHide ? hideImageURL : showImageURL;
    return lnk;

hideable.getColSpan = function (cell, orig) {
    return orig ? cell.origColSpan || cell.colSpan : cell.colSpan;

hideable.setColSpan = function (cell, colSpan) {
    if (cell.origColSpan === undefined)
        // store original colspan
        cell.origColSpan = cell.colSpan;
    cell.colSpan = colSpan;

hideable.getCol = function (targetCell, orig) {
    var row = getContainer(targetCell, 'tr');
    if (row === undefined) throw('cell not in a table row');
    // sum colspans along row
    var col = 0;
    var children = getElementsByTagNames(row, 'th', 'td');
    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        var cell = children[i];
        if (cell === targetCell) break;
        if (orig || != 'none')
            // cell is not hidden, or we want hidden cells: add its colspan
            col += hideable.getColSpan(cell, orig);
    return col;

hideable.cellAtCol = function (row, targetCol, orig) {
    var col = 0;
    var cells = getElementsByTagNames(row, 'th', 'td');
    for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        var cell = cells[i];
        if (orig || != 'none') {
            // cell is not hidden, or we want hidden cells: add its colspan
            col += hideable.getColSpan(cell, orig);
            if (col > targetCol) return cell;

hideable.cellsInCol = function (cell) {
    // return array of cells in the same column as the given one
    if (!matchTagName(cell, 'td', 'th')) throw('not a table cell');
    var table = getContainer(cell, 'table');
    if (table === undefined) throw('cell not in a table');
    var col = hideable.getCol(cell, true);
    var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('tr');
    var cells = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
        cells.push(hideable.cellAtCol(rows[i], col, true));
    return cells;

hideable.hide = function (cell) {
    var cells = hideable.cellsInCol(cell);
    for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            // replace header with 'show' button
            var showCell = document.createElement(cells[i].tagName);
            showCell.colspan = cells[i].colSpan;
            showCell.className = hideableShowClass;
            hideable.hiddenHeaders[hideable.getCol(cells[i], false)] =
                cells[i].parentNode.replaceChild(showCell, cells[i]);
        } else {
            // hide this column's cells
            cells[i].style.display = 'none';
            // expand next visible column's cells, if any, to this one
            var expand = cells[i];
            do expand = nextElement(expand);
            while (expand !== null &&
                (expand.nodeType != 1 || == 'none'))
            if (expand === null) {
                // couldn't find a next column: look for a previous one
                expand = cells[i];
                do expand = previousElement(expand);
                while (expand !== null &&
                    (expand.nodeType != 1 || == 'none'))
            if (expand !== null)
                hideable.setColSpan(expand, expand.colSpan + cells[i].colSpan);
}; = function (cell) {
    var cells = hideable.cellsInCol(cell);
    for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        // show this column's cells
        cells[i].style.display = '';
        if (i == 0) {
            // remove 'show' button
            var col = hideable.getCol(cells[i], false);
            var origCell = hideable.hiddenHeaders[col];
            cells[i] = cells[i].parentNode.replaceChild(origCell, cells[i]);
        } else {
            cell = cells[i];
            // work out where we want the ends of the cell to be
            var leftEdge = hideable.getCol(cell, true);
            var rightEdge = leftEdge + (cell.origColSpan || cell.colSpan);
            var change = 0;
            var prevCell = previousElement(cell);
            while (prevCell !== null) {
                if ( == 'none')
                    // move left to cover hidden cells directly to the left
                    leftEdge -= prevCell.origColSpan || prevCell.colSpan;
                else {
                    // shrink the first visible cell to the left if it covers
                    // any hidden cells we want this cell to cover
                    var pos = hideable.getCol(prevCell, false);
                    if (pos + prevCell.colSpan > leftEdge) {
                        change = pos + prevCell.colSpan - leftEdge;
                        hideable.setColSpan(prevCell, leftEdge - pos);
                prevCell = previousElement(prevCell);
            var nextCell = nextElement(cell);
            var flowRight = 0;
            // need to explicitly set to undefined as we reuse it
            var nextVisible = undefined;
            while (nextCell !== null) {
                if ( == 'none')
                    // expand to cover hidden cells to the right
                    flowRight += nextCell.origColSpan || nextCell.colSpan;
                else {
                    // until we encounter a visible one, which should cover
                    // them instead
                    flowRight = 0;
                    nextVisible = nextCell;
                nextCell = nextElement(nextCell);
            rightEdge += flowRight;
            // expand cell as far right as needed
            hideable.setColSpan(cell, rightEdge - leftEdge);
            change -= cell.colSpan;
            if (nextVisible !== undefined)
                // expand or shrink the visible cell directly to the right to
                // adjust for the changes we've made
                hideable.setColSpan(nextVisible, nextVisible.colSpan + change);

hideable.init = function () {
    var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
    if (tables.length == 0) return;
    hideable.hiddenHeaders = [];
    // load images
    new Image().src = hideImageURL;
    new Image().src = showImageURL;
    for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
        // operate on first row
        var row = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('tr')[0];
        if(row === undefined) return;
        var cells = getElementsByTagNames(row, 'th', 'td');
        for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
            if (hasClass(cells[j], hideableColClass)) {
                // add 'hide' button
                // hide column now if want to
                if (hasClass(cells[j], hiddenColClass))

$( hideable.init );

// JavaScript countdown timer 2.0, by Splarka
//  <span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
//  Only <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2013 00:00:00 PST</span> until New years.
//  </span>
//  <span class="nocountdown">Javascript disabled.</span>

if ($('').length) {

;(function (module, mw, $) {
    'use strict';
    var translations = $.extend(true, {
        en: {
            and: 'and',
            second: 'second',
            seconds: 'seconds',
            minute: 'minute',
            minutes: 'minutes',
            hour: 'hour',
            hours: 'hours',
            day: 'day',
            days: 'days'
    }, module.translations || {}),
    i18n = translations[
    ] || translations.en;

    var countdowns = [];
    var NO_LEADING_ZEROS = 1;
    function output (i, diff) {
        /*jshint bitwise:false*/
        var delta, result, parts = [];
        delta = diff % 60;
        parts.unshift(delta + ' ' + i18n[delta === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds']);
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 60);
        delta = diff % 60;
        parts.unshift(delta + ' ' + i18n[delta === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes']);
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 60);
        delta = diff % 24;
        parts.unshift(delta + ' ' + i18n[delta === 1 ? 'hour'   : 'hours'  ]);
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 24);
        parts.unshift(diff  + ' ' + i18n[diff  === 1 ? 'day'    : 'days'   ]);
        result = parts.pop();
        if (countdowns[i].opts & NO_LEADING_ZEROS) {
            while (parts.length && parts[0][0] === '0') {
        if (parts.length) {
            result = parts.join(', ') + ' ' + i18n.and + ' ' + result;
    function end(i) {
        var c = countdowns[i].node.parent();
        switch (c.attr('data-end')) {
            case 'remove':
                countdowns.splice(i, 1);
            case 'stop':
                output(i, 0);
                countdowns.splice(i, 1);
            case 'toggle':
                var toggle = c.attr('data-toggle');
                if (toggle && $(toggle).length) {
                    $(toggle).css('display', 'inline');
                    c.css('display', 'none');
                    countdowns.splice(i, 1);
            case 'callback':
                var callback = c.attr('data-callback');
                if (callback && $.isFunction(module[callback])) {
                    output(i, 0);
                    countdowns.splice(i, 1);
        countdowns[i].countup = true;
        output(i, 0);
    function update () {
        var now =;
        $.each(countdowns.slice(0), function (i, countdown) {
            var diff = Math.floor(( - now) / 1000);
            if (diff <= 0 && !countdown.countup) {
            } else {
                output(i, Math.abs(diff));
        if (countdowns.length) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1000);
    function getOptions (node) {
        /*jshint bitwise:false*/
        var text = node.parent().attr('data-options'),
            opts = 0;
        if (text) {
            if (/no-leading-zeros/.test(text)) {
                opts |= NO_LEADING_ZEROS;
        return opts;
    $(function () {
        var countdown = $('.countdown');
        if (!countdown.length) return;
        $('.nocountdown').css('display', 'none');
        .css('display', 'inline')
        .each(function () {
            var $this = $(this),
                date = (new Date($this.text())).valueOf();
            if (isNaN(date)) {
                $this.text('BAD DATE');
                node: $this,
                opts: getOptions($this),
                date: date,
        if (countdowns.length) {
}(window.countdownTimer = window.countdownTimer || {}, mediaWiki, jQuery));


/* Make it so users can click on "explain" spans to toggle their content.
   Useful for mobile users, since there's no mouse-over. */
var explain_spans = document.getElementsByClassName("explain");
for(var e = 0; e < explain_spans.length; e++) {
  explain_spans[e].onclick = function(){ toggleExplain(this); };

function toggleExplain(e) {
  var old = e.getAttribute("oldContent");
  if(old && old.length > 0) {
    e.innerHTML = old;
    e.setAttribute("oldContent", ""); = "underline dotted";
  } else {
    e.setAttribute("oldContent", e.innerHTML);
    e.innerHTML = e.getAttribute("title"); = "underline dashed";

/* move game icons into #content for more consistent positioning */
$(function () {$('#game-icons').css('margin-top', '5px').insertBefore($('#firstHeading'))})

/* Pikan */
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript', function () {
  + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

/* Upload page script */
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

/* End of mw.loader.using callback */
} );