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== Sublevel 14==
== Sublevel 14==

Sublevel is the second to last level in this extensive cave, and the creatures here are obviously trying to hint at something. But regardless, deal with all of the dweevils here before tackling the Beady Long Legs, who's the original inspiration for the boss you just battled, and the one you're about to. It doesn't matter which type of pikmin you use against it, but yellows are the best choice if you want a sure shot at Mr. Beady's belly. But be careful about all the water around here-it could mean doom if he shakes you off his belly-spelling doom for all your pikmin that aren't blue. Anyway,when you win, gather the last member of the Gyro Block family ( the red gyro block) before moving onto the final battle the Hole of Heroes has to offer![http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/pikmin/images/thumb/9/96/Beady_Long-legs(PikminNPC).jpg/107px-Beady_Long-legs(PikminNPC).jpg&imgrefurl=http://pikmin.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Concept_art&usg=__g7xkZHv5lE0ymF_CLY4YlI23fDE=&h=120&w=107&sz=4&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=9comdfyop8uJ3M:&tbnh=88&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbeady%2Blong%2Blegs%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den ]
Sublevel is the second to last level in this extensive cave, and the creatures here are obviously trying to hint at something. But regardless, deal with all of the dweevils here before tackling the Beady Long Legs, who's the original inspiration for the boss you just battled, and the one you're about to. It doesn't matter which type of pikmin you use against it, but be weary of the water that lies around here. When you finally win, gather the last member of the Gyro Block family before moving onto the final battle the Hole of Heroes has to offer!

== Sublevel 15==
== Sublevel 15==