Yellow Wollyhop

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A Yellow Wollywog.

Yellw Wollywog

Amphhicaris frodenum

Yellow Wollywogs are the most common thing one may think of when they hear the term 'amphituber' or 'wollywog' since it has evolved in a natural state unlike its cave cousin, the ('gray') Wollywog. They live near most freshwater and non-cavelike bodies of water, though not always true. For an unknown reason, they jump into the air and try to crush your Pikmin. It is best if you avoid the jumps, and get behind and throw your Pikmin. Call your Pikmin when they fall or they will scatter due to the force of the Wollywog's impact. Repeat until this creature is finished, it would be best if you always got rid of these since they can be a big problem for passing Pikmin. Purples actually work well as long as the creature is not in the water.

How to kill


Throw Pikmin onto it, then call them back right as it jumps.


This is tough because it's hard to judge when it'll jump. Punch it a couple times, then run. If it jumps, wait until it's down, then repeat. If not, then go punch it once more.