Template:Community day 2

Pikmin Bloom's {{{number}}} Community Day occurred on {{{date}}}. It was themed around {{{flower_plural}}} and lasted for the whole day. Bonuses included:{{{news_citation}}}

  • Big Flowers bloomed into {{{flower_plural}}} when regular flowers were planted around them, and only for 3 hours.
  • Players achieving the 10,000 step goal on this day were rewarded with a special {{{flower}}} flower badge.
  • Seedlings in the Planter Pack grew at 1.5 times the usual speed. This effect was stackable with the flower planting multiplier.

This event was announced on {{{announced_on}}}.{{{twitter_citation}}}


This template can be used on the Event article to describe Community Day events since June 2022 in a standardized way, to reduce the amount of duplicated text in the article. Previous Community Day events use {{community day}} instead; the separate template is because some of the details of Community Day events changed between May and June 2022.


Parameter Description
number The number of Community Day it was (e.g. fourth, fifth, sixth).
date The date of the Community Day. Use {{date}}, and feel free to put extra words on either side if additional information is needed.
flower The type of flower the Community Day was themed around.
flower_plural Plural name of that type of flower.
announced_on The date when the Community Day was announced. Use {{date}}, and feel free to put extra words on either side.
news_citation A citation to the official news post describing the event. Use {{cite web}}.
twitter_citation A citation to the official Twitter post announcing the event. Use {{cite web}}.
tense Set to "future" to change wording to future tense for upcoming. Past tense by default.


{{community day 2
|number = 
|date = 
|flower = 
|flower_plural = 
|announced_on = 
|news_citation = 
|twitter_citation = 
|tense = 