
Hello, Gulliblepikmin, and welcome to Pikipedia! If you need ideas on how to help, please see the helping out page. For a beginner's guide on how to edit pages, check out the quick start guide. Finally, if you need to talk to one of us, there's our Discord server. Thanks for joining, and we hope you enjoy your stay! — Soprano(talk) 21:11, July 3, 2022 (EDT)

Bulbear eye color

Heya. In this edit, what artwork are you referring to? — {EspyoT} 10:22, September 18, 2022 (EDT)

File:Spotty Bulbear P1 art.png. It is odd considering that artwork is usually shared between the first and second games unless there are distinct in-game visual differences between them; despite that, the Spotty Bulbear doesn't have artwork of its Pikmin appearance. ~   Cheepy (talk) 
Ah yes. Hm, but now I wonder if that isn't actually the Pikmin 2 artwork, that simply got miscategorized... — {EspyoT} 11:13, September 18, 2022 (EDT)

It's used in the E-card artwork so it's probably from Pikmin 2, but where was this higher quality version of it used? I'm stabbing in the dark here but I'd guess it was used to promote New Play Control! Pikmin based on the fact that we also have similar high quality art for other enemies in the first Pikmin. -Gulliblepikmin