Yeah, I make articles, edit them...ect. I own Pikmin 2 and used to own Pikmin 1. My favorite Pikmin is White Pikmin. I have a Pikmin RPG forum: [1]

Go to this, [2] site. Go under the Pikmin category, and you'll eventually find something. --The Pikmin God
The Pulckaphone, actually the Professional Noisemaker, is held by a Waterwraith on the last floor of the Submerged Castle, which is found at the Perplexing Pool. Got it? Use it well. Be advised though, be prepared for that cave! --The Pikmin God

Awww crap! I hate that Waterwraith.....I was hoping the Raging Long Legs held it but was sadly wrong....
Don't lose heart! Just screw and just go down the sublevels with out giving a crud for the enemies or treasures. Get to Sublevel 5, then you can duke it out with that sucker without being at a disadvantage (you'll have Purple Pikmin). BTW, the RRL holds the Remembered Old Buddy. --The Pikmin God

Ok, I'll do my best...

WOW! That was easy!!! Once you get him off the rollers, it's smooth sailing...thanks! Now my Explorers Friend set is complete!........As well as my Piklopedia(almost, just Raging Long Legs is missing).

Glad to be of help! :)

Good luck in the Hole of Heroes. Just remember to get the other treasures in the Submerged Castle (if you haven't already). --The Pikmin God

Does the Waterwraith appear in the first 4 sublevels again??

Yes, if you revisit that cave, he will appear again. : ( You'll just need to be quick, kill the enemies you need to, and get the treasures. --The Pikmin God

I finished the Hole Of heroes,and now my piklopedia is done!For some reason,I almost peed myself when the RLL fell.Even though I knew it was coming.