Forum:New admin

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Forums: Index > Watercooler (Pikipedia) > New admin

As you know, activity here's been increasing lately, and will continue to as we get closer to the release of Pikmin 3. Prez is becoming less active, and I probably will in October when I start university. So, we need a new admin to help keep up with everything (just one for now; it's not that bad yet). If you want to apply to become an admin, create a section under "Requests for adminship" here, and say something about how and why you think you could help, why you would make a good sysop.

Before doing this, make sure you know what being a sysop is about. Take a look at this. A sysop isn't someone who makes the decisions or takes charge, but someone who the community can trust to have the powers of an admin - deleting and protecting pages and editing pages in the mediawiki namespace, viewing restricted special pages, banning users, etc.. They need to act with the community's opinion in mind, not specifically their own. They need to be active and knowledgable of the important bits of Help:Editing.

Once all the requests and nominations are in, we'll let the community discuss and vote for who to give the promotion to.

If anyone wants to nominate someone else, or say anything related to this topic, put it in the "Other chat" section at the bottom. GP

Quick note: because it's summer, a few of the eligible members here might be away on holiday, so I'll leave this open for a week or more, just to make sure no-one misses out.

Requests for adminship

i do becasue i have been on for more then a year get on almost everday and helped find some mistakes and im not one like hippo who gets mad alot no offensceRpwyb 17:19, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I wish to become an admin because I feel I have all the necessary skills to be one; plus I am on Wikia every day, mostly here and this wiki. I also I am good with people who add speculation into a canon article/make an article that is speculation or fanon, I do not have a short temper, change wrong info added by users, and always try to welcome the new users.

SirPikmin,SIRPIKMIN.JPGYour Bold Pikmin Knight!Contributions

Ive had some experience with wiki's before, and have edited on sevreal other wiki's. Although Im not even a year old on this wiki (or any others for that matter), I could still be a reliable Admin and hope for the best for this, and all Wiki's. Im only a standard user on most wiki's, so this would be a great achievment. I probally won't win, but as they say, you learn from your mistakes. :-)


I believe I am fit as I am one of the oldest members still around, and I have experience (See Kirby Wiki/Nitrome Wiki) errr... yeh. Actually prolly, not a good idea considering I'd probably ban everyone who speculated... >.>... Alright I nominate JJ! HeeHee Oh... btw, I don't think Rpwyb should be a Admin sence he was inactive for quite a while (And doesn't capatilize, or spell real good, or has awesomes grammers skill like mes) I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Other chat