Game icon for Hey! Pikmin articles. It is based off of the game's logo.

Electric-Lime Hairdo

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Electric-Lime Hairdo
Value Icon that represents Sparklium on the wiki, based on the icon found in Hey! Pikmin. × 200
Weight 8
Maximum carriers 8 Pikmin
Location Secret Spot

The Electric-Lime Hairdo (Electric Lime Hairdo in the European version) is a treasure that is unlocked when the player scans the recolored Inkling girl amiibo from the Splatoon series. It looks just like the amiibo, and is worth Icon that represents Sparklium on the wiki, based on the icon found in Hey! Pikmin. × 200.

Collecting the treasureEdit

After scanning the amiibo on the area selection screen (in any sector), the treasure will appear in one of the Secret Spots of the area. Then, the player has to retrieve the Electric-Lime Hairdo in that spot.


Hey! Pikmin logs

I'm jealous of her hair. It's a very cool shade of green. I thought of dyeing my hair too in my younger days, but I never could decide on a color. Now I know what color I want, but I would stand out too much at the company. Such is life.


Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese ワタシいろの しょうじょ?
Watashi iro no shoujo
A girl in her own color
  Dutch Jeugddroom Youth dream
  French Jeune fille flashy Flashy young girl
  German Jugendtraum Youth dream
  Italian Guerriera fluorescente Fluorescent warrior
  Spanish Alienígena colorido Colorful alien

See alsoEdit