
Hi! I own New Play Control! Pikmin and Pikmin 2 on Gamecube. I haven't completed them but I am halfway through Pikmin 3 and have 100% completed Pikmin Adventure. I currently have the demo for Hey! Pikmin on my 2DS but I don't play it much. I discovered Pikipedia years ago but only now I have an account. Careening Dirigibugs are my favourite enemy but Toady Bloysters and Beady Long Legs are cool too. I have gotten to Twilight River on Pikmin 3 and on day 2-3 on New Play Control! Pikmin. I am English and can't wait for Pikmin 4 coming out for Nintendo Switch later on in 2018. For now, completing Pikmin 3 is my main thing and I'm on day 52. I haven't got enough room on my Gamecube SD Card so I have gotten to day 3 but it didn't save. I hope you had a great time reading this and, HAPPY PIKMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brittany is my favourite Captain.OLIIIIIIIIIMAR!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

I dislike Pikmin because when I first played, in 2013, I drowned all my Red Pikmin. Pikmin 2 is more chilled so, MORE FUN!!! Pikmin 3 is just fun.


Pikmin is fun and I have read about it since 2012!

See Also

User:Espyro Shigeru Miyamoto Pikmin 4