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Revision as of 16:14, February 16, 2024 by PopitTart (talk | contribs) (switch directional buttons)
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This template should be used when referring to a button, stick, or any other form of control. It places an icon with the corresponding button. This template was based on the old one from Pikmin Fanon, and calls {{button icon}} for each of the presented buttons. If you write an icon that is not recognized, the page will become categorized under Category:Pages with unrecognized button icons.


Parameter Mandatory Default Purpose Detailed description
1 Yes Console 1 The button's console ID.
2 Yes Button 1 The button's ID.
3 No Console 2 Secondary button's console ID.
4 No Button 2 Secondary button's ID.
5 No Console 3 Tertiary button's console ID.
6 No Button 3 Tertiary button's ID.
7 No Console 4 Fourth button's console ID.
8 No Button 4 Fourth button's ID.
size No x16px Size Size of the button.

The consoles and buttons are listed below. For the first two Pikmin games, you normally type the combination for the GameCube button on console1 and button1, and alternate controls on console2, button2, console3 and button3; these are normally the equivalent New Play Control! buttons and buttons on different controllers.

Code Result Image
Nintendo GameCube
{{button|gc|stick}} GCN Stick.png [link]
{{button|gc|c}} GCN C.png [link]
{{button|gc|cu}} GCN Cup.png [link]
{{button|gc|cd}} GCN Cdown.png [link]
{{button|gc|cl}} GCN Cleft.png [link]
{{button|gc|cr}} GCN Cright.png [link]
{{button|gc|cud}} GCN Cupdown.png [link]
{{button|gc|clr}} GCN Cleftright.png [link]
{{button|gc|pad}} GCN Dpad.png [link]
{{button|gc|padu}} GCN Dpadup.png [link]
{{button|gc|padd}} GCN Dpaddown.png [link]
{{button|gc|padl}} GCN Dpadleft.png [link]
{{button|gc|padr}} GCN Dpadright.png [link]
{{button|gc|padud}} GCN Dpadupdown.png [link]
{{button|gc|padlr}} GCN Dpadleftright.png [link]
{{button|gc|a}} GCN A.png [link]
{{button|gc|b}} GCN B.png [link]
{{button|gc|l}} GCN L.png [link]
{{button|gc|r}} GCN R.png [link]
{{button|gc|x}} GCN X.png [link]
{{button|gc|y}} GCN Y.png [link]
{{button|gc|z}} GCN Z.png [link]
{{button|gc|start}} GCN Start.png [link]
{{button|wii|stick}} Nunchuck Annalogstick.png [link]
{{button|wii|pad}} Wiimote Dpad.png [link]
{{button|wii|padu}} Wiimote Dpad up.png [link]
{{button|wii|padd}} Wiimote Dpad down.png [link]
{{button|wii|padl}} Wiimote Dpad left.png [link]
{{button|wii|padr}} Wiimote Dpad right.png [link]
{{button|wii|padud}} Wiimote Dpad updown.png [link]
{{button|wii|padlr}} Wiimote Dpad leftright.png [link]
{{button|wii|a}} Wiimote A.png [link]
{{button|wii|b}} Wiimote B.png [link]
{{button|wii|+}} Wiimote Plus.png [link]
{{button|wii|-}} Wiimote Minus.png [link]
{{button|wii|1}} Wiimote 1.png [link]
{{button|wii|2}} Wiimote 2.png [link]
{{button|wii|c}} Nunchuck C.png [link]
{{button|wii|z}} Nunchuk Z.png [link]
{{button|wii|remote}} Wiimote Icon.png [link]
{{button|wii|nunchuk}} Nunchuck Icon.png [link]
{{button|wii|nunchukshake}} Nunchuk shake.png [link]
{{button|wii|home}} Wiimote Home.png [link]
{{button|wii|power}} Wiimote Power.png [link]
Wii Classic Controller
{{button|wii|cclstick}} WiiCC LStick.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccrstick}} WiiCC RStick.png [link]
{{button|wii|cca}} WiiCC a.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccb}} WiiCC b.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccx}} WiiCC x.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccy}} WiiCC y.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccl}} WiiCC L.png [link]
{{button|wii|ccr}} WiiCC R.png [link]
{{button|wii|cczl}} WiiCC ZL.png [link]
{{button|wii|cczr}} WiiCC ZR.png [link]
Wii U GamePad
{{button|wiiu|lstick}} WiiU LStick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|lstickclick}} WiiU LStickclick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|rstick}} WiiU RStick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|rstickclick}} WiiU RStickclick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pad}} WiiU Pad.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padu}} WiiU Padup.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padd}} WiiU Paddown.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padl}} WiiU Padleft.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padr}} WiiU Padright.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padud}} WiiU Padupdown.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|padlr}} WiiU Padleftright.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|a}} WiiU A.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|b}} WiiU B.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|x}} WiiU X.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|y}} WiiU Y.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|+}} WiiU Plus.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|-}} WiiU Minus.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|l}} WiiU L.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|r}} WiiU R.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|zl}} WiiU ZL.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|zr}} WiiU ZR.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|gamepad}} GamePad icon.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|shake}} GamePad shake.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|stylus}} WiiU Stylus.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|home}} WiiU Home.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|nfc}} Wiiu-NFC.png [link]
Wii U Pro Controller
{{button|wiiu|pclstick}} WiiU LStick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pclstickclick}} WiiU LStickclick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcrstick}} WiiU RStick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcrstickclick}} WiiU RStickclick.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpad}} WiiU Pad.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadu}} WiiU Padup.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadd}} WiiU Paddown.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadl}} WiiU Padleft.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadr}} WiiU Padright.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadud}} WiiU Padupdown.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcpadlr}} WiiU Padleftright.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pca}} WiiU A.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcb}} WiiU B.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcx}} WiiU X.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcy}} WiiU Y.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pc+}} WiiU Plus.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pc-}} WiiU Minus.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcl}} WiiUPC L.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pcr}} WiiUPC R.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pczl}} WiiUPC ZL.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pczr}} WiiUPC ZR.png [link]
{{button|wiiu|pchome}} WiiU Home.png [link]
Nintendo 3DS
{{button|3ds|stick}} 3DS Stick.png [link]
{{button|3ds|pad}} 3DS Pad.png [link]
{{button|3ds|c}} Icon for the Nintendo 3DS's C-stick. Made to be similar to the ones already on the wiki, which were made by Toomai. [link]
{{button|3ds|a}} 3DS A.png [link]
{{button|3ds|b}} 3DS B.png [link]
{{button|3ds|x}} 3DS X.png [link]
{{button|3ds|y}} 3DS Y.png [link]
{{button|3ds|l}} 3DS L.png [link]
{{button|3ds|r}} 3DS R.png [link]
{{button|3ds|select}} 3DS Select.png [link]
{{button|3ds|start}} 3DS Start.png [link]
{{button|3ds|stylus}} Stylus icon for the Nintendo 3DS. Custom-made in Inkscape, based on a photo of the stylus. [link]
{{button|3ds|home}} 3DS Home.png [link]
Nintendo Switch
{{button|switch|lstick}} Icon for the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lstickclick}} Icon for the Left Stick click on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lsticku}} Icon for up on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lstickd}} Icon for down on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lstickl}} Icon for left on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lstickr}} Icon for right on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lstickud}} Icon for up and down on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|lsticklr}} Icon for left and right on the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstick}} Icon for the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstickclick}} Icon for the Right Stick click on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rsticku}} Icon for up on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstickd}} Icon for down on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstickl}} Icon for left on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstickr}} Icon for right on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rstickud}} Icon for up and down on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|rsticklr}} Icon for left and right on the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stick}} Icon for the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stickclick}} Icon for clicking the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|sticku}} Icon for up on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stickd}} Icon for down on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stickl}} Icon for left on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stickr}} Icon for right on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|stickud}} Icon for up and down on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|sticklr}} Icon for left and right on the Analog Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pad}} Icon for the Directional Buttons on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|padu}} Icon for the up Directional Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|padd}} Icon for the down Directional Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|padl}} Icon for the left Directional Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|padr}} Icon for the right Directional Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|a}} Icon for the A button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|b}} Icon for the B button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|x}} Icon for the X Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|y}} Icon for the Y Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|faceu}} Icon for the top face button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, [link]
{{button|switch|faced}} Icon for the bottom face button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, [link]
{{button|switch|facel}} Icon for the left face button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, [link]
{{button|switch|facer}} Icon for the right face button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, [link]
{{button|switch|+}} Custom-made icon for the + Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|-}} Custom-made icon for the - Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|l}} Icon for the L button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|r}} Icon for the R button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|zl}} Icon for the ZL Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|zr}} Icon for the ZR Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|capture}} Custom-made icon for the Capture Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|home}} Custom-made icon for the HOME Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|sl}} Icon for the SL Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|sr}} Icon for the SR Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|hold}} Custom icon for holding down a button on Nintendo Switch [link]
{{button|switch|mash}} Custom icon for repeatedly pressing a button on Nintendo Switch. [link]
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
{{button|switch|pclstick}} Icon for the Left Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pclstickclick}} Icon for the Left Stick click on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcrstick}} Icon for the Right Stick on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcrstickclick}} Icon for the Right Stick click on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcpad}} Icon for the + Control Pad on the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pca}} Icon for the A button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcb}} Icon for the B button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcx}} Icon for the X Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcy}} Icon for the Y Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pc+}} Custom-made icon for the + Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|pc-}} Custom-made icon for the - Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|pcl}} Icon for the L button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pcr}} Icon for the R button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pczl}} Icon for the ZL Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pczr}} Icon for the ZR Button on the Nintendo Switch. Edited version of the icon by ARMS Institute user PleasePleasePepper, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. [link]
{{button|switch|pccapture}} Custom-made icon for the Capture Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]
{{button|switch|pchome}} Custom-made icon for the HOME Button on the Nintendo Switch. [link]

