
From Pikipedia, the Pikmin wiki
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Pikmin & Olimar. ...Yeah, it's mostly here because it's Pikmin and it looks cool.
Gender If you must, female.
Location Western Australia (GMT +8)
Wiki icon to represent New Play Control! Pikmin. 30 ship parts
Wiki icon to represent New Play Control! Pikmin 2. 201 treasures
Game icon for Pikmin 3 articles. 66 fruits
Game icon for Pikmin 4 articles. All Missions
This user can handle the following languages: English.


Pikmin 4 characters in character creator

character body type face type hairstyle hair colour spacesuit colour
Schnauz 3 8 3 5 5
Kingsly 4 2 4 1 5
Dalmo 2 10 6 3 3

Gallery of Useful Images

There are no images of immediate use at this time.

Personal Gallery
