Game icon for Pikmin 2 articles.

Piklopedia and Treasure Hoard menu

Revision as of 23:57, September 5, 2023 by Honk (talk | contribs) (removed lines to decrease problems)

The Piklopedia and Treasure Hoard menus in Pikmin 2 allow the Piklopedia and Treasure Hoard to be navigated and viewed. The menus are accessed from the area selection menu, and they function quite similarly.


Piklopedia menu
Accessed from Area selection menu
Music Piklopedia/Treasure Hoard
Main article: Piklopedia (Pikmin 2).

Accessed by pressing   /   on the area selection screen, this screen contains a scrollable list of the game's enemies and plants on the left side, with 3 per row (except bosses, which take up an entire row with bigger boxes). The right side of the menu contains a screen showing the currently highlighted enemy, which can be opened further by pressing the throw button. Below that screen are some stats about the creature, like the treasure value in Pokos, how many Pikmin have been lost to it, and how many of this enemy have been defeated. These values appear as "----" when not applicable.

The bottom of the screen contains instructions on what some buttons do:   /   throws pikpik carrots and zooms in on the creature's screen,   /   opens Louie's notes, and   /   opens Olimar's notes. Finally, on the top-left and top-right corners of the screen,   /   and   /   appear, indicating that the buttons can be used to open the Treasure Hoard section of the menu.

Treasure Hoard

Treasure Hoard menu
Accessed from Area selection menu
Music Piklopedia/Treasure Hoard
Main article: Treasure Hoard.

This menu is very similar to the Piklopedia menu, and is accessible by pressing   /   on the area selection screen. The left side contains a list of treasures, three per row, and with a background colored green or blue, to separate between the existing series. The right side contains a screen that shows the treasure, as well as two sections detailing its value in Pokos and carrying weight. The bottom of the screen explains what some buttons do. Like the Piklopedia, the throw button zooms in, while   /   shows Olimar's journal.   /   shows the sales pitch. Finally, the top-left and top-right corners show that   /   and   /   can be used to open the Piklopedia section of the menu.

See also

  • KopPad – the menu for viewing the Piklopedia in Pikmin 3 Deluxe.