A Bouncy Mushroom in the Distant Tundra, viewed from above.
A Bouncy Mushroom in Pikmin 3, a tool that gives access to certain sections of areas.

Some interactive objects in the Pikmin games serve as tools to help the player achieve tasks. They might eliminate an obstacle, give access to a section of an area, or contain a useful item. Some tools require multiple Pikmin to work together to use them. Although the main purpose of these objects is to help the player achieve some goal, some of them may actually be a minor obstruction until they are used properly, making them obstacles themselves in a way.

List of toolsEdit

Icon Name Description Games
Pikmin Pikmin 2 Pikmin 3 Pikmin 4 Hey! Pikmin
  Bloominous Stemple Large, white plants that react to light, and act as platforms. They only bloom when there is an active light nearby. No No Yes No Yes
  Bouncy Mushroom Bouncy Mushrooms let leaders and Pikmin bounce to otherwise inaccessible places. No No Yes Yes Yes
Bridge Unbuilt bridges can be found on the edge of some gaps between pieces of terrain, and Pikmin must build the bridge in order to pass through. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Clay Clay can be used to create a variety of things. These include: bridges, climbing walls, mounds, and valves. No No No Yes No
  Climbing stick Sticks used to climb to higher places. They must be extended first. Yes No Yes Yes No
  Dirt mound Mounds of dirt that hold small items, which can be revealed by sending Pikmin to dig in it. No No Yes Yes No
  Electrode An open circuit that needs Yellow Pikmin to close it. Upon closing the circuit, a light activates. No No Yes No Yes
  Elevator platform Elevator platforms come in pairs, and when enough weight is applied onto one, the other rises. No No Yes No Yes
  Fan Fans help players move around areas and caves. They allow access to new places, or create shortcuts. No No No Yes No
  Fire starter Fire starters are able to be picked up by Red Pikmin and are used to burn dried plants, or to weaken icy enemies. No No No Yes No
  Floating platform Floating platforms are used to access new areas and/or reach treasure that are out of reach. They usually float around a set path, but can sometime be activated when stood on. No No No Yes No
  Flukeweed Pink, curly plants that are attached to buried objects. Winged Pikmin can lift these objects up. No No Yes No No
  Fragments Pieces of broken objects found in piles that are used to build bridges. Pikmin deliver them to the bridge, until all fragments have been delivered. No No Yes No Yes
  Geyser Water geysers in Pikmin, Pikmin 3, and Pikmin 4 allow access to newer areas, but may need to be activated first. Yes No Yes Yes No
  Hay A bundle of hay acts similar to bridge fragments. Hay is used to build ramps. No No Yes No No
  Iron ball Large spheres that can be pushed by a certain number of Pikmin, until they roll off a cliff. No No Yes No No
  Liftable rock Heavy rocks wrapped in vines that can be held on to by Winged Pikmin, which can then lift the obstacles into the air. No No No No Yes
  Lily pad Floating plants that are used to navigate bodies of water. No No Yes No No
  Moving walkway Moving walkways are metallic belts that roll in a direction, carrying things on top of them. They can switch direction by using a switch. No No Yes Yes No
  Potted mushroom Potted mushrooms are orange-yellow fungi stuffed into breakable pots. When rushed with Oatchi, they will all spring upwards, creating a platform with their flat tops. No No No Yes No
  Pulley rock A rock attached to a pulley system. Pikmin can hold on to a stick on the other end to lift up the rock, and place it out of the way. No No No No Yes
Seesaw block Seesaw blocks come in pairs, and when enough weight is applied onto one, the other rises. No Yes Yes No No

Minor toolsEdit

Main article: Minor tools.

Several other kinds of tools appear in the Pikmin series, but are much rarer than the tools listed above.

See alsoEdit