Appears in N/A
Scientific name Amphicaris frodendum
Family Amphituber
Areas The Forest of Hope, The Distant Spring, Awakening Wood, Perplexing Pool
Attacks None
Artwork of three Wolpoles.

Wogpoles are enemies in the Pikmin games. They resemble tadpoles in appearance, and are in fact the larval form of the frog-like Wollywogs. In the first game, they only appear in the The Forest of Hope and The Distant Spring areas. They are typically a hard-to-get, low-reward enemy in that they are fast swimmers which only give out one Pikmin seed when carried to the Onion. In Pikmin 2, Wogpoles are found in the Awakening Wood and Perplexing Pool areas, as well as the sublevels of certain caves where they have a measly treasure value of one poko. While being chased, Wogpoles may sometimes accidentally beach themselves, flopping about helplessly until they land safely back in the water. As a side note, the Wogpoles in Pikmin 2 seem to be closer to maturation than those in Pikmin 1, as the frilly external gills associated with newborn tadpoles are no longer present.


How to Kill

Same method for both games: follow along its side and try to head it off as it swims away. If you get real close to it while chasing it with a captain, they'll turn and go in the opposite direction, making these enemies hard to catch and defeat with leaders only. Wogpoles can't attack, but they can cause flower Pikmin to lose their petals if it shakes them off. Since they only yield one Pikmin seed when retrieved, they're almost always more trouble than they're worth.